Neeta Kolhatkar

Stories by Neeta Kolhatkar

'They were dead although they were walking out free'

'They were dead although they were walking out free'   15 May 2023

'We had 110 Adivasis who were languishing in jail for nearly five years because it was claimed they were responsible for some blasts.' 'When the time to give the proof came, they had no proof to show.' 'Then the people are let free, totally exonerated, but their lives are totally shattered.' 'Not only their lives, but the lives of their families.'

'Mumbai Rises to Save Democracy'

'Mumbai Rises to Save Democracy'   23 Dec 2022

'The State has played with their lives. Arsenal proved the machines were hacked and false evidence implanted with false files and letters.'

'Fear was never an option for me'

'Fear was never an option for me'   30 Nov 2022

'My father lived on minimum money and helped others.' 'What was he to gain personally? No name, fame like a politician who work for votes.' 'His sort believe all humans deserve better lives.'

'The State is attacking us with guns on our heads'

'The State is attacking us with guns on our heads'   30 Nov 2022

'The way the society functions, I don't know, they are more concerned about animals than humans.'

'Some countries don't welcome Indians'

'Some countries don't welcome Indians'   2 Nov 2022

'I have to treat patients and there they don't like Indians.' 'The patients don't like me, they are not going to come to me, then what is the point of studying there?'

'We have lost 10 months of our lives'

'We have lost 10 months of our lives'   2 Nov 2022

'You can't tell a student who is already in a medical course to give the entrance exam all over again.'

'Authorities Want Every Prisoner To Die Neglected'

'Authorities Want Every Prisoner To Die Neglected'   21 Oct 2022

'That is how our machinery operates and sees every prisoner.'

'Seven years have passed since the murder and the trial is yet to begin'

'Seven years have passed since the murder and the trial is yet to begin'   28 Sep 2022

'One after the other, they have committed four murders (Dabholkar, Pansare, Kalburgi, Gauri Lankesh)...' 'They feel they will not have to face the consequences of their actions as it is a favourable time for them.'

'A fight for justice that has been dragging on for too long'

'A fight for justice that has been dragging on for too long'   28 Sep 2022

'Now, it feels like the darkness has descended again.'

'No girl should go through such torture'

'No girl should go through such torture'   18 Aug 2022

She was kidnapped by child traffickers when she was 14. Today, this 17 year old wants to become a lawyer so that she can help the survivors of such henious acts.

'I don't want to live, but I have no option'

'I don't want to live, but I have no option'   14 Jul 2022

'How will they give me permission to die when there are many others in conditions worse than mine?'

Parathas During The Shanghai Lockdown

Parathas During The Shanghai Lockdown   7 Jun 2022

'When a young Indian family who had recently moved into my locality found out that I live here, the lady volunteered to send food; she said that since she was going to cook for three people anyway, she had no problem cooking for me as well.' 'Thanks to her kindness, I get one home-cooked meal every day.'

'I have to get Ma out of prison'

'I have to get Ma out of prison'   7 Jun 2022

'I also stopped speaking to the media because I felt used by them.'

When Your Mother Is In Prison...

When Your Mother Is In Prison...   2 Jun 2022

'Just waiting outside the prison gate, thinking that your mother is inside those walls even though you know she is innocent, affects your psyche.'

'It is very difficult to see my mother like this'

'It is very difficult to see my mother like this'   24 May 2022

'The only way to kill time in prison is to read and she can't even do that properly any more.' 'Her knees, too, are in terrible shape. I could see how she was trying to hide her pain every time she got up from the bench where she was seated.'

'Nobody in India will be saved'

'Nobody in India will be saved'   23 Apr 2022

'Nobody will be saved if you don't stop this ideological and political-strategic bulldozer.'

'My time in jail scarred me forever'

'My time in jail scarred me forever'   7 Apr 2022

'Your faith in the system, and in the fact that you are a citizen of this country and have rights, starts eroding.'

Nawab Malik's Daughter Speaks Out!

Nawab Malik's Daughter Speaks Out!   28 Mar 2022

'Once you are in their system, they finish you with the never-ending processes.' 'Once your family member is arrested, you are just running between lawyers, courts and the jail.' 'The process to prove that you are innocent drains you to such an extent that you are finished.'

'Nawab Malik has been jailed to keep him quiet'

'Nawab Malik has been jailed to keep him quiet'   28 Mar 2022

'After he had exposed the Narcotics Bureau's wrongdoings, he threatened to expose the Enforcement Directorate as well.' 'So they are trying to rake up an old legal deal, distorting information and using the PMLA which did not even exist at that time.'

'The roads are blocked with military tanks'

'The roads are blocked with military tanks'   12 Mar 2022

'Those (Russian) fighter jets just drop bombs and fly away.' 'How will they know if a bus is carrying Indian students?'